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Night Blue
Mi, 04. Juli 2018 - 20:15
Merangarten Bad Gastein
Christian Seitelberger
Hubert Gredler
Martin Zwicker
Roland Punzenberger

cms_Report bringt mit Night Blue DownTown Feelings. Leidenschaftliche Performance mit Dynamik, mit Drive, Blues und Funk Ein energetisches, überraschendes, bezauberndes Erlebnis.


Feel DownTown

Night blue, dark sky, a view from a boat over the wide river, shimmering, slightly moving water, going downwards, to where? Carrying sparkling light points, random, sending squeamish beams, disappearing where?

So many, so numerous, as nature behaves, profusely, wasteful, therefore with strength, with beauty, for what?

To make people distracted from their troubles?


Night blue, dark sky surrounds Downtown behind the water, protecting it, threatening it?

Window lights come through, hiding so many human destinies, their differences, their similarities.

There seems to be life in the streets, intellectual beings, loathsome things, arts, there is music in the clubs.